司祭の言葉 6/28


愛の掟と「父母を敬え」     司祭 鈴木 三蛙



※2020.06.28  13th Sunday in Ordinary Time(A)
  Commandment of love and ‘Love your parents’                              by Rev. Fr. Suzuki Michael Kunihiro 
At length Sunday Mass has  been reopened, but with a long distance from each other person in the church, too. The number of participating people must be restricted. For some time, people who are not allowed to join the mass are desired to endure for love’s sake.

In today’s gospel, we find something surprising us. In the Ten Commandments we find, as the Fourth Commandment, “Honour your father and your mother,…” But, to love Jesus must be made more of it. If you change the phrase ‘to me’ to ‘to God’, you may be satisfied. In the Ten Commandments, too, the first three are talked about God, i.e. to praise only God as the Lord, not to make wrong use of the name of the Lord, to keep the Day of the Lord holy, and after that , to honour the father and the mother. 

Then, concrtely, what are we required to do? “Today is the day of the lord, and the mass will be celebrated beginning at 10 o’clock. But my father is sick and needs help. What shall I do?” ……Stay at home without hesitating!

Jesus gave us the new commandment, “Love each other as I loved you.”

Commandment of love has priority. Meeting with the worldwide epidemic of the new type corona virus, the church called off masses, in order to prevent spread of the virus. It can be said, ‘for the sake of the love for the people’.

Observing the commandment given by Jesus leads up to loving Jesus. 

In what cases loving God and loving one’s parents are conflicting with each other? For example, in the case that parents are making children commit sins. In case of being made commit a sin against the love of God, you should not obey. In case of being made put off the love for God, you should not obey.

But, Shusaku Endou decribes, in his novel titled “Silence”, conflicts between observing the God’s commandment and loving neighbors. It is a story of a priest who was captured in the persecution of Christians [under the Tokugawa-Government] and tortured in various ways, but was keeping his belief in God. However, when he knew about Christians hanged upside down in a hole and groaning because he was keeping his belief without saying “I give it up”, he was in anguish over whether he must tell “I give it up” in order to save them from pains. However much he prayed, God didn’t reply and kept “silence”. The priest had made a resolution to bear whatever cross. Nevertheless, when he knew that the faith of his was torturing other people, he gave up his faith for sake of his love for neighbours. 

What would you reply?

(Translated from Japanese by N.F.)

司祭の言葉 7/5


わたしは柔和で謙遜なもの      司祭 鈴木 三蛙

「わたしは柔和で謙遜なものだから、わたしのくびきを負い、わたしに学びなさい」マタイ11の29 この言葉の背景にあるものは詩篇37の11「しかし柔和なものは国を継ぎ、ゆたかな繁栄を楽しむことが出来る 」日本聖書協会訳・・ということばなのですが、訳によって柔和の意味が違っています。聖書協会訳は「しかし、柔和なものは国を継ぎ」バルバロ訳は「だが、小さな人々は地を継ぎ」共同訳では「貧しい人は地を継ぎ・・・・と、なっています。

 詩篇は本来ヘブライ語ですから、各国語ではヘブライ語のニュアンスを生かしながら 柔和なもの、小さな人々、貧しい人と訳しています。このヘブライ語の柔和「anaw」ということばは、もともと、身をかがめ小さくなっている人の様子を表すそうです。経済的に圧迫されていたり、あるいは他から虐げられて苦しんでいる人の意味で「貧しい人」と訳されることが多いのだそうです。 イエスは詩篇37を念頭に置いて語っていると思われますので、「柔和」には、ヘブライ語の持っている「小さな人々」「貧しい人」というニュアンスが含まれていると見るのがよいとおもいます。

 また、どうにもしっくり来ないのが、共同訳の「わたしは柔和で謙遜なものだから」という訳です。この言葉にはいつも引っかかっていました。 勿論、イエスは謙遜でありへりくだった方です。神の身分でありながら人となられたのですから。 でも自分から謙遜と言うと、違和感があるのです。自ら謙遜だというとき、傲慢に聞こえるからです。 この謙遜という言葉は、ギリシャ語ではタペイノス「へりくだった、身を低くした」といういみです。岩波訳は「なぜなら私は柔和で心が低く、あなたたちは自分の心に安らぎを見出すであろうから」と訳していますし、聖書協会訳は「わたしは柔和で心のへりくだったものであるから」 バルバロ訳は「わたしは心の柔和でへりくだったものであるから」などと訳しています。イエスは自ら身を低くされたお方です。そのニュアンスが出るような訳がほしいと思っています。


※2020.07.05 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
         For I am meek and humble of heart
                        Rev. Fr. Suzuki, Michael Kunihiro
“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves (Mat11:29). “Behind it is Psalm 37:11,”But the meek shall inherit the earth, and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace (Japan Bible Society translation).” Every translation has its word for “the meek”. JBS translates “the meek shall inherit the earth”, while Barbaro translation says, “the small will inherit the earth” and The New Interconfessional Translation, “the poor will inherit the earth”.

The Psalm is originally written in Hebrew. Each translation has “the meek”, “the small”, and “the poor” for the word in the original text, carefully trying to convey its true meaning. The original Hebrew word for it, “anaw” is said to describe a person who crouches and became short”. They say that the word means the people who is oppressed economically or suffering from abuse by others and that it is often translated into “the poor people”. As the Lord Jesus had Psalm 37 in his mind, it is good to say that “anaw” has both meaning “the small people” and “the poor people”.

Next, I cannot feel uncomfortable with “I am meek and humble of heart”. The word is not fine with me every time I read it. Jesus truly IS meek and humble. Although He was in the form of God, He emptied himself, coming in human likeness. Nevertheless, the phrase “meek and humble”, when spoken about oneself, gives us a wrong impression and sounds “stuck-up”. They are from a Greek word “tapeinos” and means “to be modest or to take down”. Iwanami translation says, “as I am meek and lowly in heart, you will find peace in your mind”. Barbaro translates “I am meek and humble in heart.” The Lord lowered himself of His own free will. I want a translation that clearly expresses His will.

Here, Jesus also says “In fact, I am poor and mean. I do not have anything like a qualification nor the position of Rabbi.” That is why the poor and the mean can come to Jesus without fear. In the days of Jesus, an entry into apprenticeship needed a great cost. However, no title, talent, nor money is needed to be a disciple of Jesus. Do not worry. And let us come to Jesus.

(Translation: TK)

司祭の言葉 7/12

※2020年7月12日春日部加須 年間第15主日A年

種蒔く人 司祭 鈴木 三蛙








※2020.07.12 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time(A)
             The sower
                   by Rev. Fr. Suzuki, Michael Kunihiro
Abnormal weather is striking all the world. In Japan, training meteorology which is formed is causing the long rain which we still have. In Kyushu they had an extraordinarily high rainfall that reached to 70 millimeters per hour. Hita city in Oita prefecture had rainfall of 862 mm in 72 hours.
Overflow of rivers, landslides, and flash floods are caused everywhere. What on earth is happening all over the world? 

In Africa and America, on the other hand, the damages done by the drought and forest fires are reported. Another news was that Victoria Fall which sits on the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia has dried up and exposed its bedrock. Seventy five percent of wheat field, 82 percent of corn field, 62 percent of rice field, and 91 percent of soybean field of the world are said to be affected by droughts. What are these sings hinting at? The answer is our mutual support as human which is needed in all the thing.

Today’s words are parables of planting seeds. Palestine has many dry lands where they sow seeds. What is peculiar is the way this farmer does. In Japan, we would sow seeds in different way. We plow fields first to make “good soil” before carefully seeding not to waste even a single grain. That is the way Japanese do. We ordinarily dig a small hole on the plowed field, drop a seed, and fill it.

In Palestine in the days of Jesus they seeded first, and then plow up. They seed all over the land and then start to dig it up. They do not care stones, nor thorns when they seed because they will be dug up later. It is because in Palestine strong sunlight dries up the seeds if they were not laid deep in the soil. Seemingly this way wastes a lot of grains, but this brings a good harvest eventually.

Accordingly, from another aspect we can say that the point of this parable is not if the soil is good or not but if the farmer can keep trusting, hoping, and bearing before they have a large harvest.

Suppose it is the story of Jesus who takes care of the illiterate, the poor, the sinners, the sick, and the disabled when some criticized him for his evangelism, then the message from Jesus, according to Jeremias, a theologist, is “Their way may waste much time; however, it is the only way which brings a large harvest just like the way I teach.

The explanation of the parable Jesus made to the disciples is thought to be one of the parts which Early Christianity added later for their good lesson.

(Translation: TK)

司祭の言葉 7/19

※2020年7月19日 年間第16主日 A年 

毒麦のたとえ(マタイ13章24-43節)       司祭 鈴木 三蛙











司祭の言葉 7/26

※2020年7月26日 年間第17主日A年 

隠された宝(マタイ13章44-52節) 司祭 鈴木 三蛙


※2020.07.26 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time(A)
    The hidden treasure (Matthew13・44-52)
                    by Rev. Fr. Suzuki, Michael Kunihiro
Only the Gospel of Matthew tells today’s two parables. 

The tale of a treasure hidden in a field and that of a pearl are much alike. In the ancient days, pearls are not to grow, but to find in the nature; therefore, it is quite expensive.

On the other hand, in Palestine, which is always at war, the ground is the best place to hide treasures.

In Japan Koban gold coins and Dosen copper coins were sometimes come across accidentally in large sum at the site of studying or building. Around 50 cases have been reported by now since the end of the war. People are still going everywhere looking for the fortune. It is commonly dealt in TV programs, movies, and novels even now. 

The movie TITANIC was also about a sunken treasure ship.

The first lesson is that they are discovered by chance while the farmer is working well. He found it because he worked sincerely. He sold everything for the fortune in the end.

A law of Jewish Rabbi said about these kinds of treasures that when someone discovered them, these must belong to him. He does not need to report them. When someone find lost fruit or money, it also goes to the founder.

There are words of Jesus which are not written in the Gospels: “raise stones, then you will find me.” “Break woods, then I will be with you.” Jesus will be with you when craftsmen write and make. These stories also tell us that when we work sincerely, we will find the greatest treasures.

In the past, peals were special to everyone. Its value and beauty are the reason why everyone wanted to have them. Just a look of it on their hands made them happy. In those days it is found mostly around the Red Sea and by the sea of England, a place far away. Traders went around every market in the world seeking for the greatest pearls.

Pearls are like the Heaven for us. Men spend all their lives and take every means to get them. It is not found by chance. Both the story of a field and that of a pearl has the same end.

Jump at the greatest treasure when you find them. 
Catch it for the live of you.


司祭の言葉 8/2

※2020年8月2日春日部 年間18主日(A)

                    司祭 鈴木 三蛙



 神は創造の始めから週に1日を休みの日とされました。神への感謝と、魂の再創造リクリエーションのためです。   人は休むことが必要です。朝から晩まで、日曜日もなくこれまでバリバリ働いてきた人は、精神的に疲れ果ててしまった時、・・・ その休まなかった日曜日の連続としての数倍を休む事が必要になります。並行個所のマルコ福音書には、休む暇もない弟子たちに、「さあ、あなたたちだけで人里離れたところに行って、しばらくやすむがよい」というイエスの言葉が記されています。イエスは十字架の荷ない方を示されたのと同時に、休む事も示されました。

わたしたちの日ごとの糧を今日もお与え下さい。と祈る事を教えられた主は、体のために・・・ 弟子達に、パンを与える事を命じられています。でも、弟子達に出来た事は、群衆を解散させようとする事だけでした。自分にはどうしたらよいかわからないような事にぶつかった時、多くの人がする事は、何もしないか、あるいは責任を放棄すること。それもできないとき、人は自分からも逃げようとして、自分の命を滅ぼすことさえします。



 雲門、乾屎けつ(かんしけつ)「ちなみに僧問う いかなるかこれ仏 門いわく 乾屎けつ」かんしけつとは、[糞かきべら」、つまり、排便の後でお尻を拭く小さな木片です。 今の言葉で言えばトイレットペーパーでしょうか。雲門という禅のお坊さんは、「仏は乾屎けつだ」と言います。なぜでしょうか。仏は欲望から離れた存在です。このことは、仕事の選り好みをせず、自分の役割に専念し、何の報酬も求めない姿勢につながります。それならば、お尻の選り好みをせず、お尻を拭く仕事を黙々とこなす乾屎けつは「仏」に近いというのです。

 これを言い換えてみましょう。 「神の子とは何か。乾いているが汚物にまみれた棒だ」と言い換えることが出来ます。それは、「ありのままのわたしたちが神の子なのだ」とも言えます。 わたしたちは、イエスを信じて神の子とされました。よい業によって、神の心に叶ったからではありません。弱く、絶えず神にそむき、汚物にまみれていても、イエスを信じてついてゆく限り、神の子なのです。いつも神に信頼し行動することが必要です。・・逃げてはいけないのです。

※2020.08.02 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time(A)
         In the remote place
                    by Rev. Fr. Suzuki, Michael Kunihiro
Today, I would like to focus on Jesus’s words before he did his wonders.

On July 31st, the kindergarten finally reached its closing ceremony. As we had been closed for the whole two months from April to May, to avoid the spread of novel Coronavirus, we opened for a whole month in July. The summer holidays will start from August 1st and be completed in 18th of the same month, and second semester will begin. Our teachers come at past 7 in the morning and work all through the day until 6 in the evening. Their schedules are too tight.

God made one day off a week from the beginning of the Creation. It is for giving thanks to God and recreation of our souls. A man needs to rest. The one who works and slaves every day and every night needs some extra days to compensate the holidays they did not rest. The Gospel of Mark, one of Synoptic Gospels, adds Jesus’s words to the disciples who are working all the day to this anecdote: “Go to at the place where you can rest yourselves for a while only by yourselves.” Jesus taught us to carry our cross and showed us how to unburden the cross as well.

“Give us our daily breads.”
This prayer is for our well-being. The breads are for supporting them. All they could do was, however, to break up the crowd. To the troubles which we cannot find anything to deal with, we tend to leave them untouched or to ignore them. We attempt to escape from ourselves and even from the real life otherwise.

How many breads do you have?
The Lord tells us to use what we have before you lose hope. A child shows five loaves of breads. The disciples dismiss them complaining they are not enough, on the other hand. The Lord tell us never to escape from ourselves. Only we have the answers.

I may have introduced to you one of my favorite Zen questions and answers. It is called Unmon’s kansiketu.
The monk asks, “Buddhism is a kanshiketu. Tell me why.”
-Kanshiketu is a piece of wood used for scraping feces after a bowel movement. It works like toilet papers today. –
Here, Unmon, the Zen Buddhist monk asks “the way of Buddha is a kanshiketu. Why?”
The Buddha is above earthly desires. He is a good worker, is not choosy, and asks no rewards. The monk says it does not particular about annals and works silently just like the Buddha. This is the answer.

Let us rephrase this. “What is a child of God? It is a dry but filthy stick.” In other words, the children of God are what we are. We are made a son of God by the faith in Jesus. It is not our good deed that live up to the divine will. Though we are weak, betray, and are filthy, we are the children of God if we follow Jesus. We are needed to always trust in God.

Do not escape from yourselves.
