How to attend MASS

Concerning attending our Mass amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
Announcements concerning attending our Mass amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
(Translated by TK)

Released 9th, December 2020
Concerning the General Intercessions and the Readings at mass
From the Section of Liturgy

“The Lord’s Prayer” will be sang in English, Vietnamese, as well as in Japanese at mass in every Sunday.

For the General Intercessions, two verses will be prayed in Japanese, one verse in English, and one verse in Vietnamese. 

For the readings at mass, the 1st and 2nd readings on the second Sunday every month will be read in English or Vietnamese, taking turns.

Released 22nd, November 2020

As the attendance grew at our mass, we were in pressing need to review the past grouping and start the new one to avoid increased risk of infection. All the faithful are requested to attend each Mass according to the new grouping based on the districts you are living in.

New group A ←Koshigaya, Obukuro, Sengendai, Takesato areas
New group B ←Bingo, Oeda, Ichinowari, Ushijima, Kasukabe areas
New groupC ←Toyoharu, Iwatsuki, Showa, Noda, Sugito, Satte areas

These are temporal and possibly may change in the future. This page will be kept updating.

  date    day  mass group

November 1st    SUN 10:00   Group B
November 8th    SUN 10:00   Group A
November 15th   SUN 10:00   Group B
November 22nd   SUN 10:00   New group A
November 29     SUN 10:00   New group B
December 6th     SUN 10:00   New group C
December 1st     SUN 10:00   New group A
December 20th    SUN 10:00   New group B
December 24th   THU 16:30   All districts welcomed   Christmas Mass
December 24    THU 19:00   All districts welcomed   Christmas Mass
December 25    FRI 10:00   All districts welcomed   Christmas Mass
December 25th   FRI 13:00   All districts welcomed   Christmas Children Mass 
December 27    SUN 10:00   New group C

Year 2021
January 1st    FRI 11; 00 All districts    New Year’s Day Mass 
January 3     SUN 10:00   New group A
January 10    SUN 10:00   New group B
January 17    SUN 10:00   New group C
January 24      SUN     10:00  New group A
January 31st     SUN     10:00  New group B

International Mass will be started from the November 8th. Readings and prayers in English and Vietnamese are added.

Released 20th, September 2020

From the first Sunday (4th) of October 2020, the age limit for attending the Mass was removed, however, those worried about the infection, or need other’s help in coming are requested to stay in their housed in prayer.

At the entrance, go through body temperature checkup , disinfect your hands with alcohol, and fill in your name on a registration sheet. Those already completed the registration can skip the address space.

Those coming for the first time, from overseas, or before registration, please fill in your names, addresses, and phone numbers, the kind of public or private transportations you take, as well as your body temperatures checked at the entrance on our registration forms, which is available at the reception desk. The receptionist also attend mass, so please, come before 10:00.

Every month, the “Lord’s Prayer” on the fourth Sunday each month will be chanted in Vietnamese. To those with other languages, please, chant and pray silently in your hearts.

We have mass only. No other meetings and events are allowed.

Offertory box are available. Though bank transfer is highly recommended, for those with special reasons, tithe is accepted through it

Those with 37.5 ℃ or higher in body temperature check not be allowed to come in the church building.

Wear a mask except for the time you are partaking of Holy Communion.
Read, chant, and talk silently.
Avoid crowding. Keep physical distance from the others.

Mass only opens once on Sunday 10:00a.m.
We don’t held foreign language Mass.
Please take adequate mask for Corona.
We divided parish into two groups, A and B, and take turns participation.


※group A
Kosigaya ・Oobukuro、Sengendai、Takesato、Bingo・Ooeda

※group B

From October, notice about MASS participation age relaxation and others
1. From the first Sunday (4th) of October 2020, the age limit for participating in the Mass will be removed.
If you are worried about the new coronavirus infection, please stay your home.
.Also, if you need assistance during the mass, please pray at home.
You will be divided into A group and B group and will participate after two weeks

2. We will try to reduce congestion at the reception.
At the entrance of the churth, you will be asked to check your body temperature, disinfect your hands with alcohol, and write your name. 

If your name is on the church list, please enter only your name and transportation, and we will omit the address.

If you are a foreigner and your address is not listed on the church list, we will prepare a small card, so please write your name, address, and phone number on it. and write your body temperature at the reception on the card before submitting it, you can omit the address and phone number at the reception.

3. From Sunday, October 11th, the reception hours before the mass will be until 10:00.
Those who cannot accept will not be able to participate in the mass, so please come with plenty of time. The reception method does not change.

4. Every month, the “Lord’s Prayer” on the fourth Sunday of the week will be chanted in Vietnamese.
Non-Vietnamese people should sing in Japanese or their native language in their hearts.

5. Meetings other than Mass will not be held for a while, except for special cases..

6. Setting up a “Mass Donation Box”
We will prepare a box for mass donation for those who have difficulty paying by bank, including foreign believers. 
However, this is for those who have difficulty in transferring money.
so if you can transfer money, please do so. 

Notes on public mass participation

① Before entering the cathedral, we will refuse entrance if you have a temperature of 37.5 °C or higher due to a body temperature inspection.

② After receiving in front of the cathedral

(Name, address, phone number, transportation, etc.)

③ Disinfect your hands with alcohol at the entrance.

④ Wear a mask except during communion while attending mass.

⑤ For the time being, the chant will not be sung and will be read aloud.

⑥ Do not speak loudly in the church.

⑦ Avoid congestion near the entrance to the cathedral.

⑧Mass start is from 10am, so come early. (Close the door after 10:00)

The receptionist is also in charge of preventing heat stroke and participating in mass

司祭の言葉 8/30



                        司祭 鈴木 三蛙
 イエスはエルサレムを目指しています。そこは大王の都。メシアの君臨する場所。ペトロの夢は大きく膨らんでいたことでしょう。 「貴方はメシアいける神の子です」そう言いましたが、そのメシア像はユダヤ人たちが抱いていたメシア像そのものでした。そしてイエスとともに歩くうちにひそかに心に思うことがありました。イエスがメシアなら来るべき王国で、特別な地位につくことが出来るかもしれない。ガリラヤの漁師が、王の側近になる・・・。権力の中枢に立つ。
 そして受けた「サタン、引き下がれ」と言うイエスの、これまた激しい叱責。 ヒパゲー オピソー ムー サターナ Vade post me Satana。  「去りなさいサタンよ」  この言葉は荒野の誘惑のときの悪魔に、イエスが語った言葉でもあります。しかし、ペトロには悪魔のときとは違って「私の後ろに」が付け加えられています。
 当時のユダヤ人が待ち望んでいたメシアは十字架のもとに、むなしく殺されるような無力な敗北者ではありませんでした。 イエスをいさめるペトロも、ユダヤ人の常識や「人間の思い」から自由ではありませんでした。そのペトロはイエスをいさめ、「あなたはわたしの邪魔をするもの」としかられてしまいます。原文ではスカンダロンscandalum「つまづき」と言う言葉が使われています。
 ペトロが天の父のものとなって発言するときには「幸いだ」と祝福され、人間の思いにとらわれたときには、「つまづき」とされ、「サタンひきさがれ」と叱られます。 人間的な栄光を求めるとき、サタンの誘惑に陥ってしまいます。ペトロは弟子のあるべき場所「イエスの後ろ」に立ち、十字架に向かって、前を行くイエスに従うべきなのです。