※2020年7月26日 年間第17主日A年
隠された宝(マタイ13章44-52節) 司祭 鈴木 三蛙
※2020.07.26 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time(A)
The hidden treasure (Matthew13・44-52)
by Rev. Fr. Suzuki, Michael Kunihiro
Only the Gospel of Matthew tells today’s two parables.
The tale of a treasure hidden in a field and that of a pearl are much alike. In the ancient days, pearls are not to grow, but to find in the nature; therefore, it is quite expensive.
On the other hand, in Palestine, which is always at war, the ground is the best place to hide treasures.
In Japan Koban gold coins and Dosen copper coins were sometimes come across accidentally in large sum at the site of studying or building. Around 50 cases have been reported by now since the end of the war. People are still going everywhere looking for the fortune. It is commonly dealt in TV programs, movies, and novels even now.
The movie TITANIC was also about a sunken treasure ship.
The first lesson is that they are discovered by chance while the farmer is working well. He found it because he worked sincerely. He sold everything for the fortune in the end.
A law of Jewish Rabbi said about these kinds of treasures that when someone discovered them, these must belong to him. He does not need to report them. When someone find lost fruit or money, it also goes to the founder.
There are words of Jesus which are not written in the Gospels: “raise stones, then you will find me.” “Break woods, then I will be with you.” Jesus will be with you when craftsmen write and make. These stories also tell us that when we work sincerely, we will find the greatest treasures.
In the past, peals were special to everyone. Its value and beauty are the reason why everyone wanted to have them. Just a look of it on their hands made them happy. In those days it is found mostly around the Red Sea and by the sea of England, a place far away. Traders went around every market in the world seeking for the greatest pearls.
Pearls are like the Heaven for us. Men spend all their lives and take every means to get them. It is not found by chance. Both the story of a field and that of a pearl has the same end.
Jump at the greatest treasure when you find them.
Catch it for the live of you.