※2020年7月12日春日部加須 年間第15主日A年
種蒔く人 司祭 鈴木 三蛙
※2020.07.12 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time(A)
The sower
by Rev. Fr. Suzuki, Michael Kunihiro
Abnormal weather is striking all the world. In Japan, training meteorology which is formed is causing the long rain which we still have. In Kyushu they had an extraordinarily high rainfall that reached to 70 millimeters per hour. Hita city in Oita prefecture had rainfall of 862 mm in 72 hours.
Overflow of rivers, landslides, and flash floods are caused everywhere. What on earth is happening all over the world?
In Africa and America, on the other hand, the damages done by the drought and forest fires are reported. Another news was that Victoria Fall which sits on the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia has dried up and exposed its bedrock. Seventy five percent of wheat field, 82 percent of corn field, 62 percent of rice field, and 91 percent of soybean field of the world are said to be affected by droughts. What are these sings hinting at? The answer is our mutual support as human which is needed in all the thing.
Today’s words are parables of planting seeds. Palestine has many dry lands where they sow seeds. What is peculiar is the way this farmer does. In Japan, we would sow seeds in different way. We plow fields first to make “good soil” before carefully seeding not to waste even a single grain. That is the way Japanese do. We ordinarily dig a small hole on the plowed field, drop a seed, and fill it.
In Palestine in the days of Jesus they seeded first, and then plow up. They seed all over the land and then start to dig it up. They do not care stones, nor thorns when they seed because they will be dug up later. It is because in Palestine strong sunlight dries up the seeds if they were not laid deep in the soil. Seemingly this way wastes a lot of grains, but this brings a good harvest eventually.
Accordingly, from another aspect we can say that the point of this parable is not if the soil is good or not but if the farmer can keep trusting, hoping, and bearing before they have a large harvest.
Suppose it is the story of Jesus who takes care of the illiterate, the poor, the sinners, the sick, and the disabled when some criticized him for his evangelism, then the message from Jesus, according to Jeremias, a theologist, is “Their way may waste much time; however, it is the only way which brings a large harvest just like the way I teach.
The explanation of the parable Jesus made to the disciples is thought to be one of the parts which Early Christianity added later for their good lesson.
(Translation: TK)